Navaratri Celebrations in Sri Bharatamata Mandir, Kithaganur, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore, will be held from Wednesday, October 10, 2018, to Thursday, October 18, culminating in Vijaya Dasami Celebration on Friday, October 19, 2018, with regular Chandi Paath, poojas, havan and Golu (display of dolls). Special Abhisheka and Alankaras will be held on Thursday, October 11, 2018, for […]
Sadhu’s Visits Abroad
SADHU’S VISITS ABROAD Sadhu Rangarajan visited South Africa for the first time in 1984 to edit the YOGA LESSONS FOR CHILDREN, a prestigious publication of the Divine Life Society of South Africa, on the occasion of Swami Sivananda Centenary. He addressed the World Hindu Conference at Durban in South Africa in 1995. Subsequently he has […]
Tattva Darsana July-Sept 2018
Download TATTVA DARSANA 35-3 July-September 2018 (Cover) (2) TATTVA DARSANA 35-3 July-Sept 2018
Tattva Darsana Oct-Dec 2014
Vande Mataram! Jai Sri Ram! Jai Yogi Ramsuratkumar! My Master blesses you! TATTVA-DARSANA-31-4-OCTOBER-DECEMBER-2014.pdf TATTVA-DARSANA-31-4-October-December-2014Cover.pdf